Thursday, March 14, 2013



Proverbs 16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

Sometime ago a man went to a small village as a visitor and finally established a Chemist/ Pharmacy store. He observed after a long while that makers and sellers of paracetamol, panadol and aspirin etc are going out of business.

He decided to reappraise the village and discovered that anger which is gatekeeper that opens the door to all kinds of infirmities and sickness is absent in the lives of the people there.

After much frustration, he took a random opinion of the indigenes of that village and was told that if you take away anger from our world, makers and sellers of paracetamol, panadol and aspirin etc would be out of business; and life will become a better place . Death rate will greatly reduce.

They told him that it is the old man that gets provoked and enjoy to level of calling someone else fool, bastard, etc has been crucified. Besides, they told him that they have experienced new birth and are born again.

The villagers told him that the bottom line of all anger is pride.

People who nurture and romances pride in them are a kingdom drop-out

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