Monday, April 28, 2014


Brethren, what is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Has your dream died and buried? Can you dream yet another dream? Beloved, without dream, a man ceases to exist. Dream is the vehicle that drives men to their place of destiny. If the vehicle of your dream is involved in an accident or the tyre is deflated OR YOUR dream anthenna has been distroyed, stand up and fight, ensure that the vehicle is repaired and put back to order; and having done all to stand, therefore. You will also experience divine positioning in Jesus name. Situation can lie; circumstances might portray a different picture and make you think that God has forgotten you. God who has the absolute power to speak and it come to past will speak on your behalf; and impossible things will become possible in Jesus name. Joseph’s dream was almost killed and buried, but his trust in and faithfulness to God, together with his determination to be different from the multitude saw him through to Pharaoh’s palace as second in command. Develop trust in God and remain faithful to His commandments; together with determination, you will reign and be the preferred. Don't forget that Necessity is the mother of invention while Dream is the father of inventions..

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