Thursday, March 28, 2013



John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

George Barna wrote The State of the Church in 2002. Barna conducted a survey of self-pronounced Christians and here's what he found about their knowledge of the Bible.

Now, remember these are Christians...

- 48% could not name the four Gospels.

- 52% cannot identify more than two or three of Jesus' disciples.

- 60% of American Christians can't name even five of the 10 Commandments.

- When asking graduating high school "born again Christians" over 50% of them thought Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife.

- 61% of American Christians think the Sermon on the Mount was preached by Billy Graham.

- 71% of American Christians think "God helps those who help themselves" is a Bible verse.

No wonder George Barna said, "Americans revere the Bible but, by and large they don't know what it says. And because they don't know it, they have become a nation of Biblical illiterates."

Listen, you may or may not be an American, I don't know.

But the point of the result of the survey is, you don't want to be a so called "Christian" but doesn't know what God's Word is.

You and I should consistently read, memorize, and meditate scriptures.

This way, we're ready to defend our faith and encourage others through God's Word.

If you feel some guilt with the message today then NOW is the time to change.

Intimacy with the anointed should never degenerate to familiarity with the anointed. Mark 8:32-33. When Peter crossed the line, Jesus called him Satan.

He anointing you does not bring respect or reward to those that despise the anointing. Mark 6:2-6. No man of God, no matter how highly anointed, can bless the people who despise his anointing. The anointed you pull down can't pull you out of the mess you are in.

Followership comes before service. John 12:26. Those who don't bond well with you won't build well. Prize loyalty above talents. A talented rebel is not a gift.

To attempt to be everything is to risk becoming nothing. No man has everything; everyone has something. No man is good at everything, but everyone is good at something. Someone loves to do what you hate to do! “You are most valuable where you add the most value”.

What you don't get through revelation, you can get through relationships. Therefore, place value on people and build great relationships.

It is not good counsel to ask a man to hurry in the dark (or to hurry up a blind man). There is no wisdom in increasing your speed in the wrong direction or in working harder at the wrong job. Wisdom is profitable to direct.

You repeat past mistakes when you do not review past events. Feedback is vital. 'Celebrate what you want to see more of'.

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