Wednesday, August 22, 2012



This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

A certain army went for battle. They were about two thousand in number. The opposition dominated until they were about 150 left.

The general gathered them together and asked them to fight on but they said they could not continue since most of them were already killed. So, the general said they should toss a coin. If it was head they would fight on and if it was tail they would go back home according to destiny. They all agreed. So, he threw the coin up and it landed heads.

And they said they would fight if that was what destiny wanted. They fought like wounded lions and won. After the victory, somebody congratulated the general and said, “Thank you very much sir, for it was our destiny to fight and win.”

The general laughed and brought out the coin, the coin had head on the two sides. So, they had no choice than to succeed. It is the same thing with a believer.

He or she has been destined to succeed. Do not bother about you age, it is never too late to become what God has destined you to be.

It means that when Jesus comes into your situation, no matter what waves are ragging against your success, when He speaks, the waves shall obey. The power of God is the only power that has no comparison His power is absolute power. His power is beyond imagination. His power is beyond contest, in fact, His power does not tolerate contest, and is able to cancel the mandate of Satan that is harassing anyone.

I pray that divine success will overshadow your life, and people who formerly snubbed you would seek for your attention in Jesus name.

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